篇一:英语励志美文欣赏The thread of permanence
By William Zorach
It is strange how certain things make a great impression on us in childhood. I rememberthese verses by Longfellow:
“Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the graves is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.”
And again:
“Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.”
Of course, my generation was much more sentimental than today's youth but whether thiswas great poetry, it communicated in simple language a message, and made a lastingimpression on a small boy.
When I was fifteen I had an imaginary guardian angel and when I went to the country tosketch on Sundays, I asked for guidance, praying that someday I would be a fine artist andpaint nature as beautiful as she really is. What this little ceremony brought me was faith in theworld and a belief in myself.
My faiths and beliefs have been badly strained. The Atomic Age has caught us in a web of fear.Our lives seem so impermanent and uncertain. There is such a waste of human potential, ofthings worth while in people which never find expression. I sometimes think it's a miracle thatanything survives. Yet I believe that a thread of permanence runs through everything from thebeginning of time, and the most valuable residue will survive.
I believe everybody has an urge to somehow spin his own life into a thread of permanence. Itis the impulse of life. Some would call it the drive to immortality. Whatever it is, I think it isgood because it gives purpose to existence. But purpose is not enough. Artists are supposedto be notoriously impractical, but for myself, I found I had to make decisions and plans if Iwere to try to create anything. I realized that I must approach life not only with a sensitivity,a perception of beauty, but with a feeling of humility and reverence.
My creed as an artist is to love life and liberty and the world of people. A man who works andloves his work is often a man dreaming, and the spirit of his dreams will find forms andsymbols to express that dream. It is a wonderful feeling to create something. But today, Ithink there is a lack of power of communication. If people, not just artists, but all kinds ofpeople, could only open their hearts and express their sorrow, their happiness, their fears andhopes, they would discover they had an identity with the main stream of life which they neversaw before.
sometimes fear and cynicism so grip our minds that we lose heart. Then I try to rememberhow the great artists of the ages had the power of expressiveness. Theirs was the power tocommunicate, to exalt, to move the observer to joy or ……此处隐藏11599个字…… more joy does not necessarily require a life overhaul―you may just need to create more space in your life for moments of joy.
1. 生活中要有更多乐趣不一定要大改生活方式――你只需要在生活中多留点时间给娱乐就行。
2. I've come to believe that seeking happiness is not a frivolous pursuit. It's honorable and necessary. And most people forget even to think about it.
2. 我开始明白追寻幸福并不是无足轻重的想法,它值得被尊敬,也是必要的。而且很多人甚至不会想到这件事。
3. The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.
3. 人生最幸福的是确定自己被人爱着。
4. Trust in your truth. It will be the best decision you ever make.
4. 相信自己的真诚,这会是你所做的最好的决定。
5. We generate the results in life we believe we deserve.
5. 在人生中,我们获得的结果是我们认为自己应得的。
6. You know why the road curves as you're driving along? It curves because if God showed us the distance from where we are to where we’re going, we’d think it was too far.
6. 你知道为什么在开车时路是曲折的么?曲折是因为如果上帝给我们看了从起点通向终点的路,我们会觉得太远。
7. Breathing deeply and releasing fear will help you get to where you want to be.
7. 深呼吸释放出恐惧可以帮助你到达你想要的高度。
8. Everything is just as it needs to be. And if we would forgive, our minds and hearts would open and we could see another possibility.
8. 万事自有其道。如果我们能原谅,我们的思想和内心都会放得开,就能看到其他可能性。
9. When you stand and share your story i, your story will heal you and your story will heal somebody else.
9. 当你愿意站出来分享你的故事,你的故事会治愈你,也同样会治愈其他人。
10. Home is a refuge, not only from the world but a refuge from my worries, my terrible concerns. I like beautiful things around me. I like to be beautiful, because it delights my eyes and my soul is lifted up.
10. 家是避难的港湾,不只是躲避世界纷扰也可躲避自己的忧虑和担心。我喜欢周围美好的事物。我想变得漂亮,因为这能让我眼中充满美好,思想也会受到鼓舞。
/ 篇十四:经典英语美文欣赏一、《准备好爱你》
Sometimes it takes adverse conditions
for people to reach out to one another
Sometimes it takes bad luck
for people to understand their goals better
Sometimes it takes a storm
for people to appreciate the calm
Sometimes it takes being hurt
for people to be more sensitive to feelings
Sometimes it takes doubt
for people to trust one another
Sometimes it takes seclusion
for people to find out who they really are
Sometimes it takes disillusionment
for people to become informed
Sometimes it takes feeling nothing
for people to feel everything
Sometimes it takes our emotions and feelings to be completely penetrated
for people to open up to love
I have gone through many of these things
and I now know that
not only am I ready to
love you
but I do