
时间:2024-12-23 16:19:57


the reading notes of tessi haven't had read a good book. mainly because i don't know plan time well. now i have free time, certainly hope i can compensate compensate the regret.

tess, a lovely, good, well girl.she own a stream of pure good, plus the perfect appearance.she is a man of heart、 woman's heart and the goddess of contradiction. in this world, men hope to get her and women envy her.

tess's mother, dream of becoming noble vanity this dream is more important than her daughter's happiness.i think this is a family of sorrow.

tess's father, a day of siding with the wine of life poor man.this thing let him not awake thinking.

when she began to avoid, unexpectedly, the another man start to close her.at this time, stray and depression was filled with whole space. towarding to marital the palace is not the best results, necessarily. when the mistakes cannot be forgiven, tears became the most useless appendage. frank and deceive, this are opposing his enemy, but not necessarily do not carry secretly is worn thick among the love. sadly honey. seems women never world of the eccentric and out of

this hypocrisy.

finally, in her helpless, tess raised slashing to his cousin , ended his life.

happy meaning is very long, but it can sustained very short.when the first morning sunlight repeatedly in tess body,i think she is happy. even facing the death. she hopes the sin, but sin is the price of death.

i don't like that actor in the book. i think he is a neglect man, he can't accommodate a sincere heart. in fact, when he resolutely start to leave, i will be very values about this marriage, the man don't know cherish the present. he is unable to give his partners to bring happiness. tolerance and comfort is what he needs. they are the most good agents.



作者:(英)哈代 著,张谷若 译




《德伯家的苔丝》,听上去便是一个很好听的名字。初次接触这本书,是有同学推荐看的,于是就先到图书馆里借来一本减缩版的先看了看,后来觉得不错就又看了汉译本原著。受故事中女主人公苔丝深深地吸引,索性把电影版的也看了,觉得更加生动形象。 《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代著称于世的“威塞克斯系列”中的一部力作。小说描述了一位纯洁姑娘的不幸命运。主人公苔丝是一位美丽的农家少女,因受东家少爷诱迫而失身怀孕。从此,这一耻辱的事实剥夺了她接受真正爱情的权利,致使新婚之夜遭丈夫遗弃。后来,万般无奈之中,她重回了少爷的怀抱,不料,就在这时她那有名无实的丈夫拖着病驱千里归来,苦苦寻觅。苔丝为了自己真正的爱,毅然杀死同居的少爷,在与丈夫短暂欢聚后,走上了绞刑台。

父亲德伯的愚昧无知,对于金钱的贪婪推使苔丝跌下了社会的的深渊;而亚雷的邪恶无耻则将苔丝少女的所有美好梦想化为灰烬,促使她遇上了改变她人生的第三件事——与安玑·克莱相爱。而正是这个安玑·克莱,这个有着天使之名的懦弱男人——最终造成了苔丝的悲剧。有人会说安玑·克莱才是真正该批判的人,但是无疑他生活在那个时代,他需要时间来释放自己,不可忽视的是,安玑·克莱是爱苔丝的,至少那爱是真的,而不是像亚雷一 样,只有肉欲,把苔丝当做自己的玩偶。所以我认为苔丝的悲剧应该是当时的时代所酿成的,或许在现代社会也会有这样的事情发生,不过对于像苔丝一样的人来说,生存的机会就多了。《德伯家的苔丝》里的女主人公苔丝是被哈代理想化了的现代女性。苔丝是美的象征和爱的化身,代表着威塞克斯人的一切优秀的方面:美丽、纯洁、善良、质朴、仁爱和容忍。她敢于自我牺牲,勇于自我反抗和对生活抱有美好的愿望。她所特有的感情就是对人的爱和信任,女性的温柔和勇敢在她身上融成了一体。她有美丽的女人气质,坚强的意志和热烈的感情,同时也有威塞克斯人的正直忠实和自然纯朴。她没有借助婚姻来实现追求虚荣的愿望, 而是立足于自尊去追求自由。在她到冒牌本家亚雷"德伯那儿寻求帮助的时候,她的目的是想通过自己的工作来解决家庭的困难。她一发现自己上当受骗,就坚决离开了亚雷"德伯。苔丝的灵魂是纯洁的,道德是高尚的,但是在资产阶级的道德面前,她却被看成伤风败俗的典型 ……此处隐藏997个字……s of the d’urbervilles》was published in the year of 1891,which was his most famous novel.

the brief introduction of content:

it tells a story about a tragedy of a pure girl. one day, a rural clergyman told d’urbervilles, who is a pour farmer, that he was descended from the illustrious d’urbervilles family. and then, the d’urbervilles couples wanted their daughter tess to work in a family named d’urbervilles in order to improve their social status. so tess obeyed her parents’ requires, and went to the rich d’urbervilles’ family. she was asked to feed the chicken there. in the rich d’urbervilles family, there is a man named alec. alec thought tess was so beautiful. he was attracted by her beautiful appearance. horrible thing to tess was happened one day. alec raped her. after she left him, tess was pregnant. she went back home, and gave birth to the baby. unluckily, the baby died soon. tess was so sad. she didn’t want to stay at home, so she decided to work. in another village, she worked as a milkmaid in a farm. there she met a good man named angel clare, who was her true love. later, they fell in love. angel clare didn’t know her past until their wedding night. at that night, angel abandoned her, although he had committed a crime to a woman. deserted by her husband, she suffered from painful life. and she met alec again, and the poverty forced her to resume their relationship. tess became alec’s mistress again. and, angel went to brazil, finding that he was wrong to tess. when he came back to look for tess, she was alec’s mistress. but when she saw angel, she waked up and hatred filled her heart. then she killed alec, and run away with angel. they spent one night

of happiness together, before she was arrested. in the end, angel promised tess to live with her sister.

my thought towards this book:

after reading this book, i feel so sad because of its unhappy ending. how beautiful tess was! why a beautiful girl can’t get a good result. is it her beautiful appearance’s wrong? is her parents’ wrong? of course, it’s not her fault. it’s the society, the desire, and the discrimination to women.

after raped her, alec became a clergymen, but tess’s life became horrible. she was looked down by others, and she can’t live like a normal girl. everyone thought she wasn’t pure, and was dirty. but she had no choice. that wasn’t what she wanted. she was a sufferer, not a criminal.

why didn’t angel forgive her? he had done a bad thing with other woman too. tess loved him so deeply, but he didn’t value her. if he can forgive her at the beginning, maybe tess won’t die, and they can live in a happy tune.

i think, these caused by the society. if the society didn’t discriminate the women, others won’t think tess wasn’t pure. and, of course, angel won’t abandon her.

maybe, nowadays, more and more people think women are equal to men, but as women, we still need to be strong, and maintain our own interests.

