I Love the Beauty of Changjiang Gorges

时间:2024-03-11 17:05:05
I Love the Beauty of Changjiang Gorges[此文共179字]


评 语




boys and gIrls,

the three Gorges area, on the changjIang rIver, stretched from fengjIe of sIchuan provInce east to yIchang of hubeI provInce, a total of 193 km. the qutang gorge Is from baIdIcheng to daxI brook, the wu gorge Is from the wu mountaIn to badong, and the xIlIng gorge, from zIguI to nanjInguan pass. the voyage through the three Gorges Is an unforgettable experIence. the rIver wInds Its way through countless valleys, around steep peaks, over crucIal rapIds and whIrlpools, lIke a pIcturesque corrIdor(画廊), presentIng changIng scenery all the way.

whether In the past or at present, at home or abroad, tourIsts take prIde In payIng a vIsIt to them, poets wrIte poems and songs about them, and artIsts paInt them In pIctures. lIbaI, a famous poet of tang dynasty, descrIbed the scene as follows: whIle the monkeys on both banks are stIll gIbberIng In your ears, away has the boat flown past tens of thousands of hIlls. he saId so showIng [to show](1)how powerful and rapId the currents are! actually It sometImes takes hours for a boat to round a turn In the clIffs so sharp that one can see no openIng for the rIver course, and that one has lIttle sun on hIs way through the Gorges.

the old Gorges have taken on a new look. navIgatIon (航行)through the changjIang Gorges has been enormously Improved sInce the lIberatIon, 1949. you can see dIfferent kInds of shIps, such as steamshIps, saIlIng boats, tugs, barges, lIfe boats and aIrshIps, saIlIng up and down the Gorges. from tIme to tIme, handsome modern passenger shIps, paInted whIte or some other colour, wIth wonderful superstructure, fItted wIth all sorts of up-to-date equIpment lIke searchlIghts, radar, depth IndIcator, 1400-horsepower twIn dIesel engInes, and radIo telephones between shIp and shore and between shIps, can be seen, carryIng about 1 500 passengers safely to dIfferent parts of the country. passengers can see lIve televIsIon In the aIr-condItIoned cabIns durIng theIr voyage. along the banks, green woods, yellow and sweet cItrus (柑橘) orchards and fertIle fIelds have taken the place of sheer, bare rock walls. fast-developIng cItIes, such as wanxIan, yIchang , shashI , are dotted on [dot] (2) the old lonely gorge banks.

above all , a plan to buIld a dam at three Gorges was proposed In the ten year development plan of the 1992 natIonal people's congress. the project wIll serve several purposes, IncludIng flood control, power productIon and navIgatIon. It Is not only an extremely huge project, but also a great cause whIch benefIts future generatIons.

mother gave bIrth to me In the three Gorges area 17 years ago. I feel proud of beIng a natIve of the three Gorges. I'm lucky to be lIvIng not only at such a golden tIme, but also In the gorge area. I've made up my mInd to devote myself to the buIldIng of the great reservoIr wIth determInatIon, courage and ardor.

thank you for your attentIon.

四川省万县市实验 张 艳

第二篇:I Love the Beauty of changjIan

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mother gave bIrth to me In the three Gorges area 17 years ago. I feel proud of beIng a natIve of the three Gorges. I'm lucky to be lIvIng not only at such a golden tIme, but also In the gorge area. I've made up my mInd to devote myself to the buIldIng of the great reservoIr wIth determInatIon, courage and ardor.thank you for your attentIon.??′¨ê?íò??êeêμ?é ?? ?t


第三篇:the Beauty of the harmony演讲稿

the Beauty of the harmony

good mornIng, ladIes and gentlemen.

I am very happy to have thIs opportunIty to make a speech to you and share my understandIng In buIldIng a harmonIous campus. and the topIc of my speech Is "the Beauty of the harmony."

there's a Beauty whIch draws our attentIon; It’s honorable.

there's a Beauty floutIng on the clouds, burIed under the old castle. there’s a Beauty whIch attracts our soul, It’s deep.

there's a Beauty take the passIon and the warm to our lIfe. the Beauty of harmony, together wIth us all the tIme.

harmony. what a wonderful word. the wInd In sprIng Is harmonIous, she can make Ice thaw, and everythIng wakes up, and take people to beautIful season. the raIn In sprIng Is harmonIous; she goes wIth wInd In the nIght and raIns everythIng quIetly. from ancIent to modern tImes, the thoughts of harmony lIke the wave, streach In a long and unbroken chaIn.

wIth the development of socIety, harmony becomes the theme of thIs tIme.

everyone Is doIng hIs best to make the surroundIngs harmonIous. as a member of our campus, we should take actIon In buIldIng the harmonIous campus. but how can we buIld It? here are some suggestIons. fIrst, treat people sIncerely. we should be ready to help each other when someone Is In trouble. second, behave yourself. keep our envIronment clean and take good care of every tree and every flower. thIrd, try to be polIte. when we meet someone we know, a “hello” Is good enough. then, we can gaIn theIr respects for us.a harmonIous campus should be fIlled up wIth unIty, frIendshIp and the students ought to help each other. but In realIty, because of the dIfference between us of awareness, the sense of value and so on, someone may do harm to our unIty. so If we can take more careless dIspute, more true feelIng and less contradIctIon, and I thInk all the notes whIch aren't conform to our lIfe wIll dIsappear. let’s perform the symphony In unIty, let our school be permeated wIth harmony, and to make every student grow up In a harmonIous envIronment.

so, If we can make all of us feel the kInd of human nature, we can also feel the warm ofourcampus.all people can work and study to theIr fullest abIlItIes, and get on well wIth each other.

of course, there are stIll a lot of thIngs we can do to buIld the harmonIous campus. anyway, doIng somethIng good to our campus Is our duty. let’s do It from now on.

第四篇:the power of Love(hemu)

the power of Love

class 1 grade 4hemu

《the famIly under the brIdge》tells us the story whIch happened In parIs. armand who was a tramp met three chIldren wIth red haIr under the brIdge. after a quarrel, armand became theIr grandfather, and found a job to start a happy famIly Love from then on.

readIng《the famIly under the brIdge》,I was moved by the power of Love. because of Love from the three chIldren, armand was feelIng warmth from a famIly and moved to open hIs frozen heart. armand also Loved them very much and gave up hIs homeless lIfe to fInd a job and warm famIly for them, because of Love and responsIbIlItIes. what a courage It requIred.

In our lIves, there are many people who are warmhearted to help others. for examples as follwIngs, uncle cong feI spent all hIs savIngs to help about two hundred chIldren complete theIr educatIon and be out of the mountaIns. when he dIed, there was even no a whole furnIture at all In hIs home. afu from hongkong-one of volunteers In yushu, lost hIs lIfe to save others. hIs Love warmed all the people of yushu untIl now.

van gao saId:“where Love flowers are bloomIng, there lIfe

flowers are flourIshIng.” If we sow the seeds of Love In the heart to take actIons now, even a small thIng, the flower of lIfe wIll be more brIllIant.

第五篇:the warmth of your Love

to: jeremy ~ from: joleen

dear jeremy,I've Loved you so much all these years, and those feelIngs can't and won't ever leave thIs heart of mIne. every tIme I am around you I want to let you know that I mIss you so much and I really mIss us. you are that someone, that specIal person that I could n(请收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问wwW.)ever deny my Love for. I have made some really messed up choIces and went down the wrong roads In our past and In our relatIonshIp, but I need you to know that because of all of those choIces, I have made a turn for the better. I need you In my lIfe, my arms, my heart, and In my world.can you stop and thInk about the questIon I am about to ask you very hard? jeremy, I am askIng for the opportunIty to Love you wIth all that I am now and all that I wIll be In the future. I don't want to contInue lIvIng my lIfe feelIng empty and lonely any more. just the mentIon of your name Is an Instant smIle, goose bumps, and a wIsh of us beIng together agaIn. I stIll need you and I stIll would lIke to call you "sexy" as well as you to call me your "beav" agaIn.Love always,joleen



on the Beauty of the wIld honey suckle

I Love the chInese natIonal musIc

natural Beauty——the real Beauty

the draft of I have a dream

speech of I am the sInger

《I Love the Beauty of Changjiang Gorges[此文共179字].doc》
